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Metanomic announced the global launch of Thunderstruck, a player analytics platform

The global launch of the Thunderstruck player analytics platform by Metanomic, a company that specializes in player analytics and the full game economy, was announced today. This platform is expected to revolutionize how game developers use behavioral data to increase player retention and revenue.

Thunderstruck is the first to use AI-powered behavioral analytics

The first video game analytics platform that uses AI-powered behavioral analytics is Thunderstruck. It uses Bayesian inference-based AI to comprehend information about actual in-game occurrences that is taken straight from game servers.

Thunderstruck dashboard
Image via Metanomic

Thunderstruck analyses player motivations play preferences, and reward preferences to give creators real-time information on the target audience for their game, the player demographics with the highest retention rates, and the types of players that invest the most time in the game. Up until now, game developers have been forced to use outmoded player classification models along with market research and fill knowledge gaps with conjecture and speculation.

Metanomic launched Thunderstruck with 7 player types

Incorporated in 2021 by seasoned game developers, AI authorities, and economists with advanced degrees, Metanomic has so far raised $2.9 million in pre-seed capital. Seven player types are available in Thunderstruck at launch: Killers, Achievers, Explorers, Socialisers, Speedsters, Conquerors, and Scientists.

These player types can be adjusted to match the priorities of specific game titles. As the platform analyses data from additional games, player types will be improved and added to, and thanks to Thunderstruck’s Bayesian AI, it can even pinpoint the sequence of circumstances that led to a given player’s action. All the seven-player types in Thunderstruck are given below:


These players enjoy killing, creating chaos, and competitive elements most of all. They focus on winning, climbing player rankings, obtaining status, provoking, and imposing drama onto others. 


These players are competitive and enjoy overcoming difficult objectives, whether set by the game or themselves, in order to obtain prestige, prizes, and other types of material possessions. 


For those that like to learn as much about the game as possible, Explorers seek to understand the finer details of game mechanics. The thrill of discovering and uncovering hidden areas or objectives motivate these players over points or prizes.


Players that experience fun in interacting with other players through social systems like using chat, managing guilds, or role-playing rather than playing the game itself. They tend to collaborate or join forces with others to achieve objectives more than they could on their own.


Cheetahs race to objectives in order to be among the first to reach the end-game content or the highest level. They spend most of their time grinding experiences and playing for long hours. 


Conquerors enjoy the struggle against adversity and beating impossibly difficult odds. They are persistent, forceful, and repetitive in their pursuit to overcome their objectives.


Commonly referred to as ‘Crafters,’ Scientists seek to improve their skills by gathering resources and creating or improving items for themselves and to sell to others. They find enjoyment in more passive forms of game mechanics and objectives. 

The passion of the playershow frequently and skillfully they play—also has an impact on their Thunderstruck identities Depending on their priorities, the publisher or game developer can also modify them. For instance, the term Achiever may refer to the most talented, wealthy, or successful players depending on the sort of game.

Metanomic to add more player types in Thunderstruck in the future

To help studios better understand their players, Metanomic will constantly offer new and more specific player kinds in the future. Thunderstruck is equally appropriate for use on mobile, console, and PC; for both new and old games; and for both web3 and conventional web2 games. It functions in conjunction with the free Economy Engine platform from Metanomic, which was introduced earlier this year to assist developers in creating, simulating, and maintaining their game economies.

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Metanomic announced the global launch of Thunderstruck, a player analytics platform
Source: Pinoy DB

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